Recipe Builder Documentation


The heart of this software is the Recipes Directory. All recipes are displayed here, allowing users to view ratings, images, tags and ingredients. You can view the Newest Recipes made, the Highest rated Recipes and custom user lists that your members can make.

Any registered user can add a Recipe. A user with the Recipe Manager user role permission can edit/add/delete any recipes that users add. When creating a Recipe, you can enter data for the name, upload an image, add a description, add the recipe method, select ingredients, select tags, add nutrition data and also recipe meta data.

Like ingredients, you can manage the tags in the Tag Management section. Here you can add unlimited tags that users can select to catagorize their recipes.

Nutrition are custom fields that you can create for your Recipes. Again, you need the Recipe Manager user role permission to be able to add new Nutrition Fields.

Each Recipe can be viewed without being logged in, so you can easily share them with other users/friends/guests. The Recipe view allows comment, ratings and sharing on social media. You can disable comments for individual recipes when creating them. Ratings use IP addresses to log, so even logged out users can rate a recipe (once per recipe).

Finally, users can create User Lists. These are lists which use the Recipe Directory to create Recipe Lists. Any user can make them and share them with other users. They allow users to make selections of recipes they can keep together and use for later.