Pro Login User Management System Documentation

Update Log

Welcome to the Update Guide. This guide is to help you update your system to the latest version. We know that a lot of our customers do their own custom updates to their systems and so having to overwrite their files all the time can sometimes cause them problems. This update guide is to show you which files need to be updated in order for your system to be fully updated.


Version 2.3 (Released 07/02/2021)

This update includes new features and bug fixes. The following changes/updates were made:

  • Cleaned up code
  • emoved deprecated social media login code
  • removed useless files
  • Added Admin Area for managing User Avatars
  • Option for user to select avatar from User Settings added

In order to update, please overwrite the following files in Updates/version2.3/files/ in the download file.


This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.3/sql/update.sql.

Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.


For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:

Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// 2.3
$lang['ctn_508'] = "Add Avatar";
$lang['ctn_509'] = "Update Avatar";

Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['error_85'] = "Name cannot be empty!";
$lang['error_86'] = "Invalid Avatar!";
$lang['error_87'] = "You did not select an image!";

Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['success_52'] = "The avatar was updated";
$lang['success_53'] = "The avatar was added!";
$lang['success_54'] = "The avatar was deleted!";
$lang['success_55'] = "";
$lang['success_56'] = "";

Save the files


Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.

Version 2.2 (Released 25/11/2019)

This update includes new features and bug fixes. The following changes/updates were made:

  • Updated to the latest version of CodeIgniter 3.1.11
  • Fixed issue with buying a premium plan and the time not being added
  • Added DeAuth option for Social Network Logins
  • Updated documentation for social media login
  • Redesigned Premium Plans

In order to update, please overwrite the following files in Updates/version2.2/files/ in the download file.


This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.2/sql/update.sql.

Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.


For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:

Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// 2.2
$lang['ctn_503'] = "Copyright Footer";
$lang['ctn_504'] = "This is the text that appears in the footer of everypage. Can use limited HTML.";
$lang['ctn_505'] = "Authorized Social Networks";
$lang['ctn_506'] = "If your account is linked to a social media network, they will be displayed below. You can deauthorize access by clicking the DeAuth link. You must have set a password in order to deauthorize a social network.";
$lang['ctn_507'] = "DeAuth";

Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// V2.2
$lang['error_83'] = "Please set a password for your account before you deauth your social network login";

Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// V2.2
$lang['success_51'] = "The social media account was deauthorized and will no longer be able to be used to login to this account!";

Save the files


Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.

Version 2.1 (Released 30/04/2019)

This update includes new features and bug fixes. The following changes/updates were made:

  • Updated to the latest version of CodeIgniter 3.1.10
  • Fixed bug with registration and captcha
  • Added new Invite System
  • You can create Invite Codes in the Admin Panel that allow users to sign up. Codes can expire after use, after X amount of hours or be unlimited use.

In order to update, please overwrite the following files in Updates/version2.1/files/ in the download file.


This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.1/sql/update.sql.

Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.


For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:

Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// 2.1
$lang['ctn_486'] = "Invites";
$lang['ctn_487'] = "Status";
$lang['ctn_488'] = "Code";
$lang['ctn_489'] = "Registered";
$lang['ctn_490'] = "Created";
$lang['ctn_491'] = "Add Invite";
$lang['ctn_492'] = "Leave blank if you don't want to email this invite to anyone.";
$lang['ctn_493'] = "Invite Expires (hours)";
$lang['ctn_494'] = "The amount of hours the invite will expire in (become invalid). Enter 0 for this invite not to expire.";
$lang['ctn_495'] = "Expire Upon Use";
$lang['ctn_496'] = "If checked, the invite will become invalid once a user has registered using it.";
$lang['ctn_497'] = "Bypass Registration Block";
$lang['ctn_498'] = "If you have registration disabled in the Admin Panel -> Global Settings, check this field to bypass it when using the invite code.";
$lang['ctn_499'] = "Unused";
$lang['ctn_500'] = "Used";
$lang['ctn_501'] = "Expired";
$lang['ctn_502'] = "Member Invite";

Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// v2.1
$lang['error_81'] = "Invalid Invite";
$lang['error_82'] = "That invite code has expired!";

Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['success_48'] = "Invite was created!";
$lang['success_49'] = "Invite was updated!";
$lang['success_50'] = "Invite was deleted!";

Save the files


Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.

Version 2.0 (Released 15/08/2018)

This update includes new features and bug fixes. The following changes/updates were made:

  • Updated to latest version of codeigniter 3.1.9
  • Fixed bug with registering using custom fields
  • Added new Welcome Email for newly registered members.
  • Added export options to PDF, Excel, Text file for members list, user logs and payment logs in Admin Panel
  • Added Cookie Consent Notification Option
  • Added Example Privacy Policy
  • Changed Image Resize Library to GD2

In order to update to the latest version, please overwrite the following files:

  • System
  • system/
  • Language
  • application/languages/english/content_lang.php
  • Controllers
  • application/controllers/Register.php
  • application/controllers/Admin.php
  • application/controllers/Login.php
  • application/controllers/User_settings.php
  • Libraries
  • application/libraries/Settings.php
  • application/libraries/Template.php
  • Views
  • application/views/admin/email_templates.php
  • application/views/admin/edit_email_template.php
  • application/views/admin/members.php
  • application/views/admin/user_logs.php
  • application/views/admin/payment_logs.php
  • application/views/admin/settings.php
  • application/views/user_settings/index.php
  • application/views/login/privacy.php
  • application/views/layout/themes/titan_layout.php
  • application/views/layout/themes/layout.php
  • application/views/layout/themes/dark_fire_layout.php
  • application/views/layout/themes/light_blue_layout.php
  • application/views/layout/login_layout.php
  • Styles
  • styles/elements.css


This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.0/sql/update.sql.

Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.


For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:

Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// 2.0
$lang['ctn_474'] = "This is the Subject of the Email when it is sent out (Your site name is appended automatically!)";
$lang['ctn_475'] = "Welcome Email";
$lang['ctn_476'] = "Copy";
$lang['ctn_477'] = "CSV";
$lang['ctn_478'] = "Excel";
$lang['ctn_479'] = "PDF";
$lang['ctn_480'] = "Print";
$lang['ctn_481'] = "Privacy Policy";
$lang['ctn_482'] = "Okay, got it!";
$lang['ctn_483'] = "By using this site, you consent to use of Cookies. For more information, read our";
$lang['ctn_484'] = "Enable Accept Cookies Notification";
$lang['ctn_485'] = "If enabled, a notification will show on every page notifying the user about the use of cookies. The user can then click a button to make it disappear.";

Save the files


Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.