Pro School Documentation


Classes are one of the core aspects of Pro Schools. Classes contain many different components, incuding attendance reports, timetables, assignments and more.

A user with the Class Manager or Class Viewer User Role has access to the Classes section. A Class Manager can perform most adminstrative tasks (such as adding a new class) whereas a Class Viewer should be used for Students who need to view the information, upload assignments etc.

When adding a Class, you can set various propertises for it including how many students can be enrolled in the class. You can set a limit or make it unlimited. In the screenshot above, you can see that some of the classes have a limit of how many students can be added.

You can also allow students to sign up for classes. This option can be toggled on/off in the class settings.

When you add a new class, you are given the option of adding information to it using the Text Editor. It allows you to include images, media objects (like videos) and more. There is a section for members only, which will only be shown to users who have been added to the class.

Further down the Add Class page, it allows you to specify the Teachers and Students who are members of the class. You can choose to import students from a Student Group or add them individually by Username.

Once a class is created, it can then be viewed by clicking on the View button. This page gives a quick overview of the class, including important announcements, teachers who teach the class, upcoming assignments and any information you provided in the text editor boxes.

This page also allows a user with the Class Manager User Role to add new assignments, new teachers, announcements and more.


Assignments can be created by clicking on the Add button. Assignments come in two types: Submission and Exam. Submission requires a user to upload a file to complete the assignment and Exam is to be filled out by the teacher (so when your students take the exam, you can grade all the students in the class).

There are quite a few other useful options you can set for the assignment, such as file types accepted for submissions, the date the submission is due and options to disable uploading once the due date is complete.

The View button allows you to view the Assignment. If a student views the assignment, they'll be able to upload a file for submission type assignments. Once uploaded, they can then see their submission and also given the option to overwrite the submission providing you enable this option.

You can view all the submitted submissions from users by clicking on the View Submissions button. Here you can set a grade for the uploaded submission.

There are two other sections: Reading Material and Study Material.

The Reading Material allows you to add recommended books for that class from the Library system.

The Study Material allows you to add recommended files that are useful to that class from the Study Material system.

Class Students

You can view the Class Students for each Class, as well as add new students to the class. You can make it so only user's with the Class Manager can view all students in a Class.


The timetable feature allows you to plan when your classes take place. It uses a fully-featured Calendar and allows you to input the room no the classes take place, including start and end times, descriptions and name.

The Your Timetable link will show only classes that you are a member of.


The attendance feature allows you to add in attendance records for all students in a class for a particular day. There are four options: present, late, absent and holiday.

In the View Students section, you can view their overall attendance for a particular class.