Pro School Documentation


The students section is separated into two sections: Viewing Students and Student Groups.

Viewing Students allows a user with the User Role Student Manager to edit/view student information, including classes they are taking, their attendance and behavioural records.

The attendance page allows you to view their overall attendance for their classes and also a list of their recent attendance reports.

The classes page will list all the classes the user is subscribed to.

The behavourial record section allows you to view any behaviour records that have been added for the user.

Student Groups

Student Groups allow you to group students together based on other criteria that you can decide upon. A student group can act as a "school house", "year group" or any other type of school grouping system. Each school group has it's own page, along with announcements, student list and group teacher.

You can allow the group teacher to add students to the group or any user with the Student Manager User Role permission.