Update Log
Welcome to the Update Guide. This guide is to help you update your system to the latest version. We know that a lot of our customers do their own custom updates to their systems and so having to overwrite their files all the time can sometimes cause them problems. This update guide is to show you which files need to be updated in order for your system to be fully updated.
Version 2.9 (Released: 10/02/2021)
This update contains new features and updates. The following changes were made:
- Replaced file upload with Google Drive Upload
- Allow users to upload files directly to your google drive
- View uploaded files in ticket area + streamlined the process + set permission on who can view them
- Delete ticket also deletes old google drive files if any attached
- Documentation now uses Google Drive for attaching files
- Replaced old HTML filter with HTML Purifier library
- Ticket Report date search now takes into account open/closed ticket view
- Removed old deprecated social media login code
- Removed old deprecated pdf code
To update, please overwrite all the files in: Zip/Updates/Version2.9/files/.
Note: In version2.9/files/application/third_party/ is a zip for the google_api. This was compressed to make it easier to unpact the updates folder. When adding it to your site, you need to uncompress it and upload it as a folder called google_api.
This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.9/sql/update.sql.
Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.
For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:
Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
//2.9 $lang['ctn_872'] = "Google Drive Client ID Key"; $lang['ctn_873'] = "To enable Google Drive uploads, please enter the Google Client ID here."; $lang['ctn_874'] = "Google Drive Client Secret Key"; $lang['ctn_875'] = "To enable Google Drive uploads, please enter the Google Client Secret here."; $lang['ctn_876'] = "Authorize Google Drive"; $lang['ctn_877'] = "You have authorized Google Drive successfully."; $lang['ctn_878'] = "Before you can allow uploads to Google Drive, you must first authorise uploads with your Google Account. Enter your client id and secret key above and this will allow you to perform authorisation process."; $lang['ctn_879'] = "Permission"; $lang['ctn_880'] = "Only authorised Google Users"; $lang['ctn_881'] = "Anyone with access to download link";
Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// 2.9 $lang['error_147'] = "Google Drive is not authenticated!"; $lang['error_148'] = "No file selected!"; $lang['error_149'] = "Uploading is disabled!";
Save the files
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
Version 2.8 (Released: 27/11/2019)
This update contains new features and updates. The following changes were made:
- Updated to latest version of CodeIgniter
- Fixed bug with cost of ticket not being charged to user
- Archived Tickets will no longer show under Your Tickets/Assigned Tickets and on Dashboard
- Added option to Deauth your social network account from your support account.
- Updated Premium Plans design (now add HTML to description)
To update, please overwrite all the files in: Zip/Updates/Version2.8/files/.
This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.8/sql/update.sql.
Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.
For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:
Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// 2.8 $lang['ctn_868'] = "Social Networks"; $lang['ctn_869'] = "Authorized Social Networks"; $lang['ctn_870'] = "If your account is linked to a social media network, they will be displayed below. You can deauthorize access by clicking the DeAuth link. You must have set a password in order to deauthorize a social network."; $lang['ctn_871'] = "DeAuth";
Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// 2.8 $lang['error_146'] = "You must set your password on your account before you can deauth your social network account.";
Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
//V2.8 $lang['success_90'] = "The social network was deauthorized!";
Save the files
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
Version 2.7 (Released: 22/03/2019)
This update contains new features and updates. The following changes were made:
- Updated to latest version of CodeIgniter
- Fixed bug with updating Ticket Settings
- Fixed Bug with FAQ and Documentation Manager User Roles
- Fixed bug with Custom Field Textareas
- Added option to charge Credits per Ticket created
To update, please overwrite all the files in: Zip/Updates/Version2.7/files/.
This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.7/sql/update.sql.
Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.
For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:
Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// 2.7 $lang['ctn_862'] = "Price Per Ticket"; $lang['ctn_863'] = "The amount of Credits it costs per ticket created. If set to 0, no credits are required."; $lang['ctn_864'] = "It costs"; $lang['ctn_865'] = "Credits per Ticket created."; $lang['ctn_866'] = "Visit the"; $lang['ctn_867'] = "page to top-up your balance.";
Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// 2.7 $lang['error_145'] = "You do not have enough Credits to open a ticket. Please go to the Funds page.";
Save the files
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
Version 2.6 (Released: 14/11/2018)
This update contains new features and updates. The following changes were made:
- Updated to latest version of codeigniter
- Implemented Export options/mode
- Made attachments open in a new window
- Fixed broken links
- Fixed issue with non-logged in users viewing public tickets
- Fixed issue with deleted projects for Documentation
- Fixed issue with disabling file attachments
- Fixed issues with print ticket
- Archived tickets no longer show up under Your/Assigned ticket lists
- Updated various email templates to use the Email Template title as subject line.
- Added option to set a specific user to be auto-assigned to tickets based on the category the ticket was created in
- Can now set the color of announcements in the Admin Panel
- Email now sent out when a ticket has been closed.
- Added option to specify a list of users to be alerted of new tickets (in all categories).
- Added cron that auto-closes tickets after 7 days of no activity.
- Added Article Useful Vote in the Knowledge Base
To update, please overwrite all the files in: Zip/Updates/Version2.6/files/.
This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.6/sql/update.sql.
Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.
For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:
Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// 2.6 $lang['ctn_847'] = "Copy"; $lang['ctn_848'] = "CSV"; $lang['ctn_849'] = "Excel"; $lang['ctn_850'] = "PDF"; $lang['ctn_851'] = "Print"; $lang['ctn_852'] = "A total of"; $lang['ctn_853'] = "users found this article useful."; $lang['ctn_854'] = "Did you find this article useful?"; $lang['ctn_855'] = "Export Mode"; $lang['ctn_856'] = "Auto Assign User"; $lang['ctn_857'] = "Tickets created in this category will automatically be assigned to this user."; $lang['ctn_858'] = "Alert Users"; $lang['ctn_859'] = "All users in this field will be alerted of NEW tickets created in this system. Separate each username with a comma. For specific ticket category alerts, you can assign a User Group to a Ticket Category and all those users will be alerted of new tickets in that category."; $lang['ctn_860'] = "Ticket Auto Close after 7 days of last reply"; $lang['ctn_861'] = "Set the style and color of the announcement.";
Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// 2.6 $lang['error_143'] = "This article is restricted to certain members only!"; $lang['error_144'] = "You have already voed on this article!";
Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// V2.6 $lang['success_89'] = "Thanks for your vote!";
Save the files
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
Version 2.5 (Released: 27/03/2018)
This update contains new features and updates. The following changes were made:
- New Documentation Section
- Added Documentation manager user role
- Can add/edit/delete Documentation Projects
- Can Add/edit/delete documents
- Can order the way in which documents are displayed
- Can attach files to documents
- Can link documents to other documents to save repetition
- Added Client View for Documentation
- Added Offline View for Documentation
- Added PDF View for Documentation
- Updated to latest version of CodeIgniter
- Defaulted Session storing to database + Added fix for rare date error
- Implemented Avatar Resizing
- Updated to the latest version of CodeIgniter
The following files were updated:
- Styles
- styles/client2.css
- styles/elements.css
- Controllers
- application/controllers/Client.php
- application/controllers/Documentation.php
- application/controllers/Admin.php
- application/controllers/User_settings.php
- Languages
- application/language/english/*
- Libraries
- application/libraries/Settings.php
- application/libraries/User.php
- Models
- application/models/Documentation_model.php
- Views
- application/views/admin/settings.php
- application/views/admin/section_settings.php
- application/views/client/*
- application/views/documentation/*
- application/views/layout/client_layout2.php
- application/views/layout/sidebar_links.php
- Third Party
- application/third_party/mpdf/*
- System
- system/*
This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.5/sql/update.sql.
Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.
For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:
Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// 2.5 $lang['ctn_806'] = "Documentation Manager"; $lang['ctn_807'] = "Can add/edit/delete any documentation pages."; $lang['ctn_808'] = "Enable Documentation"; $lang['ctn_809'] = "Enables the documentation section"; $lang['ctn_810'] = "Documentation"; $lang['ctn_811'] = "Top"; $lang['ctn_812'] = "Table Of Contents"; $lang['ctn_813'] = "Add Documentation"; $lang['ctn_814'] = "Document Title"; $lang['ctn_815'] = "Document"; $lang['ctn_816'] = "Project"; $lang['ctn_817'] = "Attachments"; $lang['ctn_818'] = "Upload File"; $lang['ctn_819'] = "Link Document"; $lang['ctn_820'] = "You can make this document link to an already existing document that you have created on the system. This allows you to use a document multiple times for multiple projects and only have to update it in one place. Choose a Project first to generate a list of documents to choose from."; $lang['ctn_821'] = "Select Project"; $lang['ctn_822'] = "Choose A Project"; $lang['ctn_823'] = "Link To Document"; $lang['ctn_824'] = "Choose a Project to load documents"; $lang['ctn_825'] = "View Document"; $lang['ctn_826'] = "File Name"; $lang['ctn_827'] = "Link"; $lang['ctn_828'] = "File Type"; $lang['ctn_829'] = "File Size"; $lang['ctn_830'] = "Documentation Projects"; $lang['ctn_831'] = "Project Name"; $lang['ctn_832'] = "Footer Text"; $lang['ctn_833'] = "Create"; $lang['ctn_834'] = "Documents for project"; $lang['ctn_835'] = "Drag and drop the documents below in the order that you wish for them to appear."; $lang['ctn_836'] = "On this page you can update the order in which a document appears for a particular project. First, select a project below to view all the documents that belong to it."; $lang['ctn_837'] = "Add Project"; $lang['ctn_838'] = "Order"; $lang['ctn_839'] = "Projects"; $lang['ctn_840'] = "Docs"; $lang['ctn_841'] = "Linked"; $lang['ctn_842'] = "Offline View"; $lang['ctn_843'] = "PDF"; $lang['ctn_844'] = "A Guest"; $lang['ctn_845'] = "Resize Avatar"; $lang['ctn_846'] = "If the avatar is too big for the specified dimensions above, it will be resized automatically.";
Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// 2.5 $lang['error_135'] = "Invalid Project"; $lang['error_136'] = "Invalid Document!"; $lang['error_137'] = "Document title cannot be empty!"; $lang['error_138'] = "Invalid Link Document!"; $lang['error_139'] = "The document you are trying to link to is linking to another document. You can only link to original documents."; $lang['error_140'] = "You cannot link a document to itself!"; $lang['error_141'] = "Invalid File!"; $lang['error_142'] = "Project name cannot be empty!";
Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// V2.5 $lang['success_81'] = "The document was updated!"; $lang['success_82'] = "The document was deleted!"; $lang['success_83'] = "The file was deleted!"; $lang['success_84'] = "The document was added!"; $lang['success_85'] = "The project was added!"; $lang['success_86'] = "The project was updated!"; $lang['success_87'] = "The project was deleted!"; $lang['success_88'] = "The order was updated!";
Save the files
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
Version 2.4.1 (Released: 20/02/2018)
This update contains bug fixes. The following changes were made:
- Resolved issues with Registeration custom fields
- Implemented AJAX ticket field checking on client
- Fixed Client Layout issue for settings
The following files were updated:
- Styles
- styles/client2.css
- styles/login_layout.css
- Controllers
- application/controllers/Client.php
- application/controllers/Register.php
- application/controllers/User_settings.php
- Libraries
- application/libraries/Settings.php
- Views
- application/views/client/index.php
- application/views/register/index.php
- application/views/layout/client_layout2.php
- application/views/layout/login_layout.php
- application/views/admin/*
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
Version 2.4 (Released: 13/02/2018)
This update contains new features and bug fixes. The following changes were made:
- Updated to CodeIgniter 3.1.7
- Fixed bug with Your Tickets count
- Removed trailing fullstop when showing guest passwords.
- Fixed issue with enabling ticket file uploads
- Updated Client area to include breadcrumbs
- Added area to add custom statuses for Tickets
- Added option to disable note-popup when closing a ticket
- Updated View Ticket, Custom Views, Ticket views for using Custom Status
- Option to set default status in Ticket Settings (admin panel)
- Added option to Ticket Settings to prevent clients from replying when a ticket is closed
- Added shortcodes for Email Templates for First Name and Last Name
- Added email template for user notifications
- Implemented option to Archive Tickets and a new Archive Ticket List
- Added option to enable /novalidate-cert for IMAP connections to Admin Panel -> Ticket Settings
- Added option to set default status for when an Admin is replying or when a Client is replying in Ticket Settings
- Fixed issue with Word Wrap in client area
- Added the ability to restrict Knowledge Base Categories & Articles to certain User Groups
- Updated font size for graph reports
- Updated Login and Registration pages
- Added new Public Tickets option which allows you to set a ticket as Public so other users can view it
- Added Ticket Time to Admin View Ticket which shows the total time the ticket was opened for (moment from creation to close)
- Added mark all as read to client notification area
- Can now view tickets submitted by a User in the Manage members section
- Added new FAQ section for adding FAQs. Added new User Role for managing FAQ section.
- Added option to disable/enable Knowledge base and FAQ sections
- Revamped client side layout
- Can set Logo height and width via Admin Panel
- Updated Site Description to now use WYSIWYG editor. Site Description is displayed on client front page.
- Updated Client Page to tell user to login if you have Guest Tickets disabled.
In order to update, please overwrite the following files (you can find these files also in Updates/version2.4/files/ in the download file):
- System
- system/*
- Styles
- styles/client2.css
- styles/login_layout.css
- styles/responsive.css
- styles/layouts/*
- Images
- images/ava1.png
- images/ava2.png
- images/casey-horner-339855.jpg
- images/welcome10.png
- images/social/*
- images/favicon/*
- Controllers
- application/controllers/Admin.php
- application/controllers/Client.php
- application/controllers/Cron.php
- application/controllers/FAQ.php
- application/controllers/Home.php
- application/controllers/Knowledge.php
- application/controllers/Login.php
- application/controllers/Register.php
- application/controllers/Tickets.php
- Language
- application/language/english/*
- Libraries
- application/libraries/Common.php
- application/libraries/Settings.php
- application/libraries/Template.php
- Models
- application/models/FAQ_model.php
- application/models/Knowledge_model.php
- application/models/Tickets_model.php
- application/models/User_model.php
- Views
- application/views/admin/edit_email_template.php
- application/views/admin/edit_member.php
- application/views/admin/email_templates.php
- application/views/admin/section_settings.php
- application/views/admin/settings.php
- application/views/admin/ticket_settings.php
- application/views/client/*
- application/views/faq/*
- application/views/home/index.php
- application/views/knowledge/categories.php
- application/views/knowledge/edit_cat.php
- application/views/layout/*
- application/views/login/*
- application/views/register/*
- application/views/reports/index.php
- application/views/tickets/add.php
- application/views/tickets/custom_statuses.php
- application/views/tickets/custom_views.php
- application/views/tickets/edit_custom_status.php
- application/views/tickets/edit_custom_view.php
- application/views/tickets/edit_ticket.php
- application/views/tickets/index.php
- application/views/tickets/view_ticket.php
- application/views/user_settings/*
- application/views/error/client_error.php
This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.4/sql/update.sql.
Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.
For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:
Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// V2.4 $lang['ctn_744'] = "FAQ Manager"; $lang['ctn_745'] = "Can manage the FAQ section of the system."; $lang['ctn_746'] = "Logo Width & Height"; $lang['ctn_747'] = "Section Settings"; $lang['ctn_748'] = "Enable Knowledge Base"; $lang['ctn_749'] = "Enable the Knowledge Base section"; $lang['ctn_750'] = "Enable FAQ"; $lang['ctn_751'] = "Enable the FAQ section"; $lang['ctn_752'] = "Allow Public Tickets"; $lang['ctn_753'] = "Allows staff to flag a ticket as public which will allow any user to view the contents of it."; $lang['ctn_754'] = "Open Ticket Notes upon Close"; $lang['ctn_755'] = "Whenever you set the status of a ticket to close on View Ticket, a window will pop-up allowing you to enter ticket notes."; $lang['ctn_756'] = "Prevent Replies once Ticket closed"; $lang['ctn_757'] = "Clients won't be able to reply to a ticket once it's status has been set to closed."; $lang['ctn_758'] = "Auto-Set Ticket Status"; $lang['ctn_759'] = "When Staff Replies"; $lang['ctn_760'] = "Do Nothing"; $lang['ctn_761'] = "When Client Replies"; $lang['ctn_762'] = "Disable Certificate Validation"; $lang['ctn_763'] = "Disabling Certificate Validation can leave your emails to man-in-the-middle attacks. It's recommended you do not do this unless you know what you're doing."; $lang['ctn_764'] = "New Notification"; $lang['ctn_765'] = "First name of the user"; $lang['ctn_766'] = "Last name of the user"; $lang['ctn_767'] = "Public Tickets"; $lang['ctn_768'] = "Please"; $lang['ctn_769'] = "to create a ticket for support."; $lang['ctn_770'] = "Don't have an account?"; $lang['ctn_771'] = "today."; $lang['ctn_772'] = "Recent FAQs"; $lang['ctn_773'] = "Viewing Ticket"; $lang['ctn_774'] = "The ticket has been closed and you can no longer reply."; $lang['ctn_775'] = "This is a public ticket so you cannot reply (only staff and ticket owner)."; $lang['ctn_776'] = "FAQ"; $lang['ctn_777'] = "Frequently Asked Questions"; $lang['ctn_778'] = "Select a category above to view the FAQ."; $lang['ctn_779'] = "Searching"; $lang['ctn_780'] = "Modify Reply"; $lang['ctn_781'] = "Modify Ticket"; $lang['ctn_782'] = "FAQ Categories"; $lang['ctn_783'] = "Question"; $lang['ctn_784'] = "Answer"; $lang['ctn_785'] = "Add FAQ"; $lang['ctn_786'] = "Restricted Groups"; $lang['ctn_787'] = "Only users in the groups listed above can view articles in this category."; $lang['ctn_788'] = "How can we help?"; $lang['ctn_789'] = "Ask a question"; $lang['ctn_790'] = "Archived"; $lang['ctn_791'] = "Custom Statuses"; $lang['ctn_792'] = "Ticket Time"; $lang['ctn_793'] = "Add Custom Status"; $lang['ctn_794'] = "Color"; $lang['ctn_795'] = "Close Ticket"; $lang['ctn_796'] = "Enter a hexcode for the color. Leave out the #."; $lang['ctn_797'] = "Text Color"; $lang['ctn_798'] = "When this status is assigned to a ticket, it closes the ticket, preventing a user from replying."; $lang['ctn_799'] = "Archive Ticket"; $lang['ctn_800'] = "The ticket will not appear in any lists apart from the Archived list."; $lang['ctn_801'] = "Public Ticket"; $lang['ctn_802'] = "Make this ticket publicly available (allows anyone to view it but not reply)."; $lang['ctn_803'] = "Archived Tickets"; $lang['ctn_804'] = "Default Status"; $lang['ctn_805'] = "The default status that a ticket gets when it is created.";
Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
$lang['error_128'] = "This section is disabled!"; $lang['error_129'] = "Question or Answer cannot be empty!"; $lang['error_130'] = "Invalid FAQ!"; $lang['error_131'] = "Username cannot be empty!"; $lang['error_132'] = "You left the password field empty!"; $lang['error_133'] = "A name must be given to the status!"; $lang['error_134'] = "Invalid Custom Status";
Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// V2.4 $lang['success_73'] = "All notifications have been marked as read!"; $lang['success_74'] = "The FAQ was added!"; $lang['success_75'] = "The FAQ was deleted!"; $lang['success_76'] = "The FAQ was updated!"; $lang['success_77'] = "The ticket notes were updated!"; $lang['success_78'] = "The custom status was added!"; $lang['success_79'] = "The custom status was updated!"; $lang['success_80'] = "The custom status was deleted!";
Save the files
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
Version 2.3 - (Released: 01/10/2017)
This update contains mostly bug fixes. The following changes were made:
- Updated to CodeIgniter 3.1.6
- Fixed wrong Email Template being used for User Activation
- Fixed User notification icon issue in client side
- Fixed issue for logged out users when viewing the Dark Fire theme
- Added translate lines for User Notifications to language files
- Fixed several issues with IMAP cron
- Fixed issue with Envato Product Code checker for Custom Fields
- Email Template for ticket reminder now sends out to registered users as well as guests
- Fixed issue with editing custom fields for sub categories
- Fixed issue with sending emails to groups of users
- Fixed issue with long words not breaking for tickets
- Fixed issue with users not being able to logout if they didn't select a username after using Social Media login
- Fixed issue with language selecting english by default when editing email templates
- User no longer gets double notifications when a ticket is replied to.
- Updated Facebook SDK
In order to update, please overwrite the following files:
- Views
- application/views/layout/themes/dark_fire_layout.php
- application/views/admin/edit_email_template.php
- application/views/tickets/view_ticket.php
- Controllers
- application/controllers/Register.php
- application/controllers/Cron.php
- application/controllers/Tickets.php
- application/controllers/Client.php
- application/controllers/Admin.php
- Styles
- styles/client.css
- Language
- application/languages/english/content_lang.php
- Model
- application/models/User_model.php
- Third Party
- application/third_party/Facebook/*
- Libraries
- application/libraries/Settings.php
- application/libraries/User.php
- System
- /system
For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:
Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// Version 2.2. // V2.3 $lang['ctn_739'] = "Dear"; $lang['ctn_740'] = "Dear User"; $lang['ctn_741'] = "You have a new notification waiting for you at"; $lang['ctn_742'] = "Login now to view it. Thanks!"; $lang['ctn_743'] = "Yours";
Save the files
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
Version 2.2 - (Released: 13/04/2017)
This update contains new features and bug fixes. The following changes were made:
- Updated to CodeIgniter 3.1.4
- Implemented new Admin theme layouts: basic, light blue, Titan, Dark Fire.
- Updated Language Switcher to accomodate new RTL support.
- Fixed issue with words being broken in summaries for knowledge base articles.
- Added support for Greek and French characters
- Fixed issue with guest clients viewing attached files
- Added option to Ticket Settings to allow you to specify the strings for obtaining Ticket ID information in Crons.
- Fixed an issue with canned responses and images
- Improved pagination results for tickets when searching
- Added option to turn on Captcha for Ticket Creation
- Implemented Ticket Reminder option
- Email Templates have been recoded- can now add language specific templates for various areas of the system.
- Revamped User Roles system in Admin Panel to make it easier to create new User Roles
- Updated Cron to better extract Outlook replies for Ticket Posting.
- Custom Fields now accept values of 0.
- Implemented new Custom Field Type for Tickets: Envato License Code. Allows you to check product codes of items that you have sold and look at how much support time is left.
- Option to mark all notifications as read added
- Option to automatically assign staff user to ticket when replying to it.
- Option to make Ticket Custom Fields hidden on the client side added
- Implemented new Merge Tickets option
- Added Edit User link to Ticket View
- When selecting "Close Ticket" option, the Ticket Notes modal will now open automatically, allowing you to enter admin-viewable notes about the ticket.
- Added debugging tools to Admin Panel: Email Debugging and Notification Syncer
- Fixed an issue with guests viewing attachments
- Added option to Global Settings allowing you to set the amount of time to cache the dashboard data
- Fixed an isset issue with editing tickets
- Category description now shows once selected in the Client Ticket Form.
In order to update, please overwrite the following files:
- Config
- application/config/config.php
- application/config/email.php
- Controllers
- application/controllers/Admin.php
- application/controllers/Tickets.php
- application/controllers/Client.php
- application/controllers/Home.php
- application/controllers/Knowledge.php
- application/controllers/Cron.php
- application/controllers/Login.php
- application/controllers/Register.php
- Hooks
- application/hooks/Language_Switcher.php
- Models
- application/models/Admin_model.php
- application/models/Tickets_model.php
- application/models/Home_model.php
- application/models/User_model.php
- Views
- application/views/admin/settings.php
- application/views/admin/ticket_settings.php
- application/views/layout/*
- application/views/home/change_language.php
- application/views/home/notifications.php
- application/views/home/ajax_notifications.php
- application/views/client/index.php
- application/views/client/get_articles.php
- application/views/client/view_ticket.php
- application/views/client/tickets.php
- application/views/client/edit_ticket.php
- application/views/tickets/view_ticket.php
- application/views/tickets/ajax_custom_fields.php
- application/views/tickets/add_custom_field.php
- application/views/tickets/edit_custom_field.php
- application/views/tickets/edit_ticket.php
- application/views/tickets/add.php
- application/views/tickets/merge_ticket.php
- application/views/admin/email_templates.php
- application/views/admin/edit_email_template.php
- application/views/admin/user_roles.php
- application/views/admin/edit_user_role.php
- application/views/admin/tools.php
- application/views/admin/tool_noti_sync.php
- application/views/admin/tool_email_debug.php
- application/views/admin/payment_logs.php
- Language
- application/language/english/content_lang.php
- application/language/english/success_lang.php
- application/language/english/error_lang.php
- Styles
- styles/layouts/*
- styles/elements.css
- Libraries
- application/libraries/Settings.php
- application/libraries/Template.php
- application/libraries/Lib_filter.php
- application/libraries/IMap.php
- application/libraries/Envato.php
- application/libraries/Common.php
- Scripts
- scripts/libraries/sortable/*
- System
- system/*
This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.2/sql/update.sql.
Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.
For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:
Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// Version 2.2. $lang['ctn_669'] = "Welcome"; $lang['ctn_670'] = "Site Theme"; $lang['ctn_671'] = "Enable Captcha on Ticket Form"; $lang['ctn_672'] = "Enables a captcha on the Ticket Creation Form to prevent spam. Will use Google ReCaptcha if settings enabled, else uses default CodeIgniter Captcha."; $lang['ctn_673'] = "Send Reminder"; $lang['ctn_674'] = "This is a notification that a ticket requires your attention!"; $lang['ctn_675'] = "Sent a reminder to the user"; $lang['ctn_676'] = "Available Permissions"; $lang['ctn_677'] = "Current Permissions"; $lang['ctn_678'] = "Drag and drop permissions to customise this User Role."; $lang['ctn_679'] = "Envato License Code"; $lang['ctn_680'] = "Envato Product"; $lang['ctn_681'] = "Supported Until"; $lang['ctn_682'] = "API Error"; $lang['ctn_683'] = "Assign Yourself To Ticket"; $lang['ctn_684'] = "Hide Client Side"; $lang['ctn_685'] = "If selected, this Custom Field will not be shown on the Client side, only the Admin side."; $lang['ctn_686'] = "Tools"; $lang['ctn_687'] = "Here are a few tools to help with maintaining your application."; $lang['ctn_688'] = "Email Debugging"; $lang['ctn_689'] = "Notification Syncer"; $lang['ctn_690'] = "If your notification's unread count sometimes goes out of sync, you can use this tool to resync it."; $lang['ctn_691'] = "Debug"; $lang['ctn_692'] = "Resync Notifications"; $lang['ctn_693'] = "This tool can be used to debug email sending. Your email settings can be found in: application/config/email.php. For more information on what options are available, check out this CodeIgniter User Guide:"; $lang['ctn_694'] = "This tool will output all email error and debug messages after attempting to send an email. Enter an email you'd like to send a test message to and then click send."; $lang['ctn_695'] = "Send Email To"; $lang['ctn_696'] = "Send Email and Debug"; $lang['ctn_697'] = "IMap Strings"; $lang['ctn_698'] = "These strings must be inside your Email Templates in order for the Cron to grab the required information."; $lang['ctn_699'] = "IMap Ticket String"; $lang['ctn_700'] = "This string is used to obtain the ticket ID from the email. It should be the line leading up to the ID."; $lang['ctn_701'] = "IMap Ticket Reply String"; $lang['ctn_702'] = "The string used to notify the end of the reply. It should be a full line."; $lang['ctn_703'] = "Envato API"; $lang['ctn_704'] = "Envato Personal Token"; $lang['ctn_705'] = "Used to connect to the Envato API when checking product codes in Ticket Custom Fields."; $lang['ctn_706'] = "Hook"; $lang['ctn_707'] = "Email Activation"; $lang['ctn_708'] = "Ticket Reply"; $lang['ctn_709'] = "Ticket Creation"; $lang['ctn_710'] = "Guest Ticket Creation"; $lang['ctn_711'] = "Ticket Reminder"; $lang['ctn_712'] = "The hook is used to identify the correct email template to get when we need to send an email in a specific function."; $lang['ctn_713'] = "String used to split the email messages when reading them from IMAP."; $lang['ctn_714'] = "String used to display ticket id when reading them from IMAP."; $lang['ctn_715'] = "Languages"; $lang['ctn_716'] = "Add Email Template"; $lang['ctn_717'] = "Mark All As Read"; $lang['ctn_718'] = "Merge Ticket"; $lang['ctn_719'] = "Merging Ticket"; $lang['ctn_720'] = "Merge All Replies"; $lang['ctn_721'] = "Replace User"; $lang['ctn_722'] = "Merge Ticket History"; $lang['ctn_723'] = "Replace Ticket Data"; $lang['ctn_724'] = "Merge Ticket Files"; $lang['ctn_725'] = "Copies all replies from this ticket to the Primary Ticket"; $lang['ctn_726'] = "Replaces the user data of this ticket with the Primary Ticket"; $lang['ctn_727'] = "Copies all ticket history from this ticket to the Primary Ticket"; $lang['ctn_728'] = "Replaces ticket data, including custom fields, ticket notes, date created, assigned user of the merged ticket with the Primary Ticket."; $lang['ctn_729'] = "Copies all attached ticket files from this ticket to the Primary Ticket"; $lang['ctn_730'] = "Primary Ticket"; $lang['ctn_731'] = "Select a ticket that you wish to be the Primary Ticket. The merging ticket data will be added to the Primary Ticket."; $lang['ctn_732'] = "Select Ticket"; $lang['ctn_733'] = "Select from a list of recent created tickets."; $lang['ctn_734'] = "Search for ticket"; $lang['ctn_735'] = "Enter ticket #ID"; $lang['ctn_736'] = "Merge Tickets"; $lang['ctn_737'] = "Dashboard Cache Time"; $lang['ctn_738'] = "The amount of time in seconds how long the data on the dashboard is cached for. Set to 0 for zero cache.";
Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// V2.2 $lang['error_127'] = "Invalid Primary Ticket!";
Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// v2.2 $lang['success_69'] = "The client was notified of the ticket!"; $lang['success_70'] = "The email template was deleted!"; $lang['success_71'] = "The email template was successfully added!"; $lang['success_72'] = "The ticket was merged!";
Save the files
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
Version 2.1 - (Released: 08/02/2017)
- Updated to the latest version of CodeIgniter 3.1.3
- Fixed bug with Clients
- Fixed bug with forgotten password
- Fixed a bug with knowledge search
- Fixed a bug when editing tickets with required fields
- Added Avatar Height and Width options to Admin Panel
- Fixed missing translation texts
- Language Switcher added to Client view
- Social Media login options only show up for ones you have entered keys for
- Register button no longer shows when disabled registration on login page
- Added option to add sub-categories to Knowledge Base Categories.
- Added Ticket Number to Client View.
- Added Ticket Number to Admin Ticket View
- Added Last Reply User Icon to Admin Ticket table
- Removed Output messages from cron. Toggle debug on/off.
- Fixed missing notification string in cron
- Added in Print View for Tickets.
- Can now create tickets via emails sent to your assigned email using IMAP/Cron
- Implemented new GMAIL message cleaner for IMAP (helps get email content better).
- Fixed various issues with IMAP.
- Can set default category that newly created IMAP tickets go to in Ticket Settings.
- Revamped Ticket View page
- Added Ticket History which logs all actions made to tickets.
- Revamped Client Ticket View Page
- Added new Canned Responses Keywords (first name and last name)
- Added new section called Custom Views.
- Custom Views allow you to save different views of the Ticket Table: view by a certain status, category and order type. Easily switch between different custom views from the view tickets page. Staff can manage their own Custom Views from the Custom Views section.
- Added First and Last name to Canned Responses
- Can now directly add user to a User Group when creating new member in Admin Panel
- Added 2Checkout Payment Gateway
- Implemented Payment Logs for User
In order to update, please overwrite the following files:
- Controllers
- application/controllers/Client.php
- application/controllers/Login.php
- application/controllers/Admin.php
- application/controllers/User_settings.php
- application/controllers/Home.php
- application/controllers/Knowledge.php
- application/controllers/Tickets.php
- application/controllers/Cron.php
- application/controllers/IPN.php
- application/controllers/Funds.php
- Models
- application/models/Tickets_model.php
- application/models/Knowledge_model.php
- application/models/User_model.php
- application/models/IPN_model.php
- Libraries
- application/libraries/Settings.php
- application/libraries/IMap.php
- application/libraries/User.php
- application/libraries/Lib_filter.php
- Views
- application/views/client/knowledge_search.php
- application/views/client/view_knowledge_cat.php
- application/views/client/tickets.php
- application/views/client/index.php
- application/views/client/view_ticket.php
- application/views/client/funds.php
- application/views/client/payment_log.php
- application/views/client/plans.php
- application/views/layout/client_layout.php
- application/views/layout/layouts.php
- application/views/login/index.php
- application/views/knowledge/categories.php
- application/views/knowledge/edit_cat.php
- application/views/tickets/index.php
- application/views/tickets/view_ticket.php
- application/views/tickets/print_ticket.php
- application/views/tickets/ticket_history.php
- application/views/tickets/add_canned_responses.php
- application/views/tickets/edit_canned_responses.php
- application/views/tickets/index.php
- application/views/tickets/custom_view.php
- application/views/tickets/edit_custom_view.php
- application/views/admin/ticket_settings.php
- application/views/admin/settings.php
- application/views/admin/members.php
- application/views/admin/payment_settings.php
- application/views/home/change_language.php
- application/views/funds/index.php
- application/views/funds/payment_log.php
- Styles
- styles/client.css
- styles/main.css
- System
- system/*
Please also change this line in your application/config/config.php:
$config['csrf_exclude_uris'] = array('invoice/view', 'ipn/process2', 'funds', 'ipn/stripe/[0-9]+', 'ipn/checkout2/[0-9]+');
This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version2.1/sql/update.sql.
Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.
For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:
Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// 2.1 $lang['ctn_611'] = "Ticket #"; $lang['ctn_612'] = "has replied to your Ticket and awaits your response."; $lang['ctn_613'] = "2Checkout Account No"; $lang['ctn_614'] = "2Checkout Secret"; $lang['ctn_615'] = "Default Category"; $lang['ctn_616'] = "This is the default category that newly created tickets go to when they are generated by the CRON file using IMAP."; $lang['ctn_617'] = "Fetch Ticket Replies"; $lang['ctn_618'] = "Fetch New Tickets (creation)"; $lang['ctn_619'] = "Avatar Height"; $lang['ctn_620'] = "The maximum height an avatar can be."; $lang['ctn_621'] = "Avatar Width"; $lang['ctn_622'] = "The maximum width an avatar can be."; $lang['ctn_623'] = "Payment Log"; $lang['ctn_624'] = "Buy"; $lang['ctn_625'] = "Category Parent"; $lang['ctn_626'] = "If you want this category to be a sub-category, select its parent here."; $lang['ctn_627'] = "Custom Views"; $lang['ctn_628'] = "Posted On"; $lang['ctn_629'] = "Ticket Details"; $lang['ctn_630'] = "Assign"; $lang['ctn_631'] = "Are you sure you want to assign yourself to this ticket?"; $lang['ctn_632'] = "Print View"; $lang['ctn_633'] = "Ticket History"; $lang['ctn_634'] = "View All"; $lang['ctn_635'] = "Order By"; $lang['ctn_636'] = "TicketID"; $lang['ctn_637'] = "Order Sort"; $lang['ctn_638'] = "Ascending"; $lang['ctn_639'] = "Descending"; $lang['ctn_640'] = "Update Custom View"; $lang['ctn_641'] = "Add Custom View"; $lang['ctn_642'] = "Custom View"; $lang['ctn_643'] = "Remove"; $lang['ctn_644'] = "First name of the client"; $lang['ctn_645'] = "Last name of the client"; $lang['ctn_646'] = "First name of the staff"; $lang['ctn_647'] = "Last name of the staff"; $lang['ctn_648'] = "View Ticket"; $lang['ctn_649'] = "Ticket was created [CLIENT]."; $lang['ctn_650'] = "Ticket reply was added [CLIENT]."; $lang['ctn_651'] = "Ticket reply was modified from:"; $lang['ctn_652'] = "To"; $lang['ctn_653'] = "Ticket reply was deleted"; $lang['ctn_654'] = "Ticket was modified in Edit section [CLIENT]"; $lang['ctn_655'] = "Ticket was rated"; $lang['ctn_656'] = "stars"; $lang['ctn_657'] = "Guest logged into view ticket."; $lang['ctn_658'] = "Ticket was created [IMAP/CRON]"; $lang['ctn_659'] = "Ticket reply was added [IMAP/CRON]"; $lang['ctn_660'] = "Ticket was generated via IMAP/Cron."; $lang['ctn_661'] = "was assigned to ticket."; $lang['ctn_662'] = "was assigned to ticket."; $lang['ctn_663'] = "You have been assigned to a ticket."; $lang['ctn_664'] = "Ticket status was changed to"; $lang['ctn_665'] = "Replied to the ticket."; $lang['ctn_666'] = "Ticket was modified in Edit area."; $lang['ctn_667'] = "Deleted a ticket file attachment."; $lang['ctn_668'] = "Ticket was created [ADMIN]";
Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// V2.1 $lang['error_124'] = "View does not exist"; $lang['error_125'] = "Invalid View!"; $lang['error_126'] = "Invalid Ordering Type";
Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)
Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file
// v2.1 $lang['success_64'] = "The user was assigned to the ticket!"; $lang['success_65'] = "The view was set as your custom view!"; $lang['success_66'] = "The custom view was updated"; $lang['success_67'] = "The custom view was added"; $lang['success_68'] = "The custom view was deleted!";
Save the files
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
Version 2.0.1 - (Released: 08/12/2016)
This update contains minor twekas and bug fixes. The following changes were made:
- Added heading tags to HTML filter
- Facebook name fix
- Fix for Admin Permissions
- Client Notification List added
- Fixed Notification Link
- Fixed glyphicons colour on Premium Plans
- Added Last Updated to Article Page
- Fixed Category Display in Client View
- Added Category to Knowledge Base Articles view in staff area
In order to update, please overwrite the following files:
- Controllers
- application/controllers/Login.php
- application/controllers/Home.php
- application/controllers/Admin.php
- application/controllers/Client.php
- application/controllers/Knowledge.php
- Languages
- application/language/english/Content_lang.php
- Libraries
- application/libraries/Lib_filter.php
- application/libraries/Settings.php
- Views
- application/views/client/plans.php
- application/views/client/notifications.php
- application/view/client/knowledge.php
- application/views/client/view_knowledge.php
- application/views/layout/layout.php
- application/views/layout/client_layout.php
- application/views/knowledge/index.php
- Styles
- styles/client.css
Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.
This is a brand new version of the Support Centre. In order to use this new version it requires a complete fresh install. There was no way we could convert the old system to the new one due to the many changes and improvements made. If you're having trouble installing the new version, let us know and we'll be happy to fix it.