Social Network Documentation

Update Log

Welcome to the Update Guide. This guide is to help you update your system to the latest version. We know that a lot of our customers do their own custom updates to their systems and so having to overwrite their files all the time can sometimes cause them problems. This update guide is to show you which files need to be updated in order for your system to be fully updated.

Version 1.6 (12/02/2021)

The following updates were made:

  • Removed old deprecated social media login code
  • Replaced HTML filter with HTML Purifier
  • Fixed issue with album display

In order to update, please overwrite the following files in Updates/version1.6/files/ in the download file.


Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.

Version 1.5 (29/06/2020)

The following updates were made:

  • Added option to put Google Maps API key in Admin Panel - > Global Settings
  • Added option to disable Google Maps API for Location fields

In order to update, please overwrite the following files in Updates/version1.5/files/ in the download file.


This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version1.5/sql/update.sql.

Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.

Version 1.4 (03/12/2019)

The following updates were made:

  • Updated to latest version of CodeIgniter 
  • Added Deauthoize option for a social media account 
  • Fixed bug with editing user images
  • Fixed issue with editing a page
  • Fixed issue with viewing profiles logged out

In order to update, please overwrite the following files in Updates/version1.4/files/ in the download file.


For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:

Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['ctn_837'] = "Authorized Social Networks";
$lang['ctn_838'] = "If your account is linked to a social media network, they will be displayed below. You can deauthorize access by clicking the DeAuth link. You must have set a password in order to deauthorize a social network.";
$lang['ctn_839'] = "DeAuth";

Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['error_192'] = "You must add a password before you can deauthorize your social media account!";

Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['success_116'] = "The social media account was deauthoized and will no longer be able to login using it.";

Save the files


Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.

Version 1.3 (22/04/2019)

The following updates were made:

  • Updated to latest version of CodeIgniter
  • Fixed an issue with social media icons now showing up
  • Added new Limit section to Admin Panel: Limit amount of photos uploade
  • Added Post to Feed when you say you're going to an event
  • Pages can now charge credits to allow members to join
  • Pages can set the credit cost and which user is paid the credits.
  • Added option to Pages to set individual posts as Member-Only content (have to be a member of the page to view it)
  • New Invite System: allows you to create invite codes and invite users to the system
  • Manage Invites in Admin Panel; invite codes can expire upon use, expire after X amount of time
  • Invites can bypass disabled registration if you allow it
  • Implemented Post Dislikes, can be disabled in Admin Panel
  • Updated Post Likes to show who liked/disliked
  • Users can now subscribe to blogs
  • When a blog makes a new post, all subscribers will be notified.

In order to update, please overwrite the following files in Updates/version1.3/files/ in the download file.


This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version1.3/sql/update.sql.

Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.


For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:

Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['ctn_797'] = "Enable Dislikes";
$lang['ctn_798'] = "Allows users to dislike posts.";
$lang['ctn_799'] = "Invites";
$lang['ctn_800'] = "Leave blank if you don't want to email this invite to anyone.";
$lang['ctn_801'] = "Invite Expires (hours)";
$lang['ctn_802'] = "The amount of hours the invite will expire in (become invalid). Enter 0 for this invite not to expire.";
$lang['ctn_803'] = "Expire Upon Use";
$lang['ctn_804'] = "If checked, the invite will become invalid once a user has registered using it.";
$lang['ctn_805'] = "Bypass Registration Block";
$lang['ctn_806'] = "If you have registration disabled in the Admin Panel -> Global Settings, check this field to bypass it when using the invite code.";
$lang['ctn_807'] = "Unused";
$lang['ctn_808'] = "Used";
$lang['ctn_809'] = "Expired";
$lang['ctn_810'] = "Edit Invite";
$lang['ctn_811'] = "Add Invite";
$lang['ctn_812'] = "Code";
$lang['ctn_813'] = "Registered";
$lang['ctn_814'] = "Member Invite";
$lang['ctn_815'] = "Limits";
$lang['ctn_816'] = "Max Upload Photos";
$lang['ctn_817'] = "The max amount of photos any account can have uploaded. Set to 0 for unlimited.";
$lang['ctn_818'] = "Max Upload Photos Per Post";
$lang['ctn_819'] = "The max amount of photos that can be uploaded to any single post. Set to 0 for unlimited.";
$lang['ctn_820'] = "Subscribe To Blog";
$lang['ctn_821'] = "Unsubscribe";
$lang['ctn_822'] = "Total Votes";
$lang['ctn_823'] = "Is going to an event";
$lang['ctn_824'] = "Members Only";
$lang['ctn_825'] = "Member Only Post";
$lang['ctn_826'] = "You need to be a member of this page to view this post.";
$lang['ctn_827'] = "To join this page, it costs";
$lang['ctn_828'] = "You can buy Credits on the";
$lang['ctn_829'] = "Pay To Join";
$lang['ctn_830'] = "Users will have to pay in credits to join your page as members. Set to 0 to not require credits to join your page.";
$lang['ctn_831'] = "Pay To User";
$lang['ctn_832'] = "When a user pays to join this page, the credits will be sent to this user. If no user is set, the credits will be deleted.";
$lang['ctn_833'] = "The max amount of images you can upload at any one time is";
$lang['ctn_834'] = "Back To Login";
$lang['ctn_835'] = "A new blog post has been posted on ";
$lang['ctn_836'] = " has payed to join your page. Your credits have increased by: ";

Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// v1.3
$lang['error_183'] = "You need to be logged in to subscribe!";
$lang['error_184'] = "You are already subscribed to this blog!";
$lang['error_185'] = "You are not subscribed to this blog!";
$lang['error_186'] = "You cannot upload anymore photos as you have reached the limit: ";
$lang['error_187'] = "Invalid Invite!";
$lang['error_188'] = "That invite code has expired!";
$lang['error_189'] = "Could not find a user with that username: ";
$lang['error_190'] = "You do not have enough credits to join this page: ";
$lang['error_191'] = "The max amount of images that can be uploaded at one time is: ";

Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['success_111'] = "You have been subscribed to this blog!";
$lang['success_112'] = "You have ubnsubscribed from this blog!";
$lang['success_113'] = "The invite was created!";
$lang['success_114'] = "The invite was updated!";
$lang['success_115'] = "The invite was deleted!";

Save the files


Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.

Version 1.2 (23/08/2018)

The following updates were made:

  • Updated to latest version of CodeIgniter 3.1.9
  • Fixed issue with resizing images
  • Added Export options to Members page
  • Fixed issue with viewing single comments with verified members
  • Improved the way links are handled in posts.
  • Added option to allow non-logged in users view profiles and their albums.
  • Added option to allow non-logged in users to view pages and their albums & events.
  • New Blog System added
  • Users can create their own blogs, make posts and share it to their feed.
  • Added option to disable blog section
  • Admin can view all blogs & blog posts /edit/delete

In order to update, please overwrite the following files in Updates/version1.2/files/ in the download file.


This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version1.2/sql/update.sql.

Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.


For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:

Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// V1.2
$lang['ctn_756'] = "Copy";
$lang['ctn_757'] = "CSV";
$lang['ctn_758'] = "Excel";
$lang['ctn_759'] = "PDF";
$lang['ctn_760'] = "Print";
$lang['ctn_761'] = "Public Profiles";
$lang['ctn_762'] = "Allow a person who is not logged in to view user profiles. A user won't be able to view a profile if the user has not turned this on in their privacy settings.";
$lang['ctn_763'] = "Public Pages";
$lang['ctn_764'] = "Allows non-logged in users to view pages that have public settings.";
$lang['ctn_765'] = "Share Post";
$lang['ctn_766'] = "Blog Posts";
$lang['ctn_767'] = "Post Title";
$lang['ctn_768'] = "Draft";
$lang['ctn_769'] = "Publish";
$lang['ctn_770'] = "Image";
$lang['ctn_771'] = "Views";
$lang['ctn_772'] = "Blogs";
$lang['ctn_773'] = "Blog Title";
$lang['ctn_774'] = "Blog Description";
$lang['ctn_775'] = "Privacy";
$lang['ctn_776'] = "Public Blogs";
$lang['ctn_777'] = "Allows a non-logged in user to view public blogs.";
$lang['ctn_778'] = "Enable Blogs";
$lang['ctn_779'] = "Allows users to create and view blogs.";
$lang['ctn_780'] = "Your Blog";
$lang['ctn_781'] = "Add Post";
$lang['ctn_782'] = "Edit Blog";
$lang['ctn_783'] = "Delete Blog";
$lang['ctn_784'] = "Post To Timeline";
$lang['ctn_785'] = "Create A Blog";
$lang['ctn_786'] = "Give your blog a title and some personality with the options below.";
$lang['ctn_787'] = "Recent Posts";
$lang['ctn_788'] = "Published on";
$lang['ctn_789'] = "View More Posts from";
$lang['ctn_790'] = "Last Updated";
$lang['ctn_791'] = "shared a post!";
$lang['ctn_792'] = "All Blogs";
$lang['ctn_793'] = "All Blog Posts";
$lang['ctn_794'] = "Published";
$lang['ctn_795'] = "Never";
$lang['ctn_796'] = "Unread";

Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['error_171'] = "Invalid Blog!";
$lang['error_172'] = "Your blog title cannot be empty!";
$lang['error_173'] = "Invalid Post!";
$lang['error_174'] = "Title cannot be empty!";
$lang['error_175'] = "Blog Post cannot be empty!";
$lang['error_176'] = "This section is disabled!";
$lang['error_177'] = "You don't have a blog!";
$lang['error_178'] = "You already have a blog!";
$lang['error_179'] = "This is not your blog!";
$lang['error_180'] = "This is not your blog post to modify!";
$lang['error_181'] = "This is not your blog post to view!";
$lang['error_182'] = "This blog post is private to the user's friends only!";

Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['success_103'] = "The blog was updated!";
$lang['success_104'] = "The blog was deleted!";
$lang['success_105'] = "The blog post was updated!";
$lang['success_106'] = "The blog post was deleted!";
$lang['success_107'] = "The blog was created!";
$lang['success_108'] = "Your blog was updated!";
$lang['success_109'] = "Your blog was deleted!";
$lang['success_110'] = "The blog post was added!";

Save the files


Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.

Version 1.1 (14/03/2018)

The following updates were made:

  • Fixed issue with tagging user's with names in foreign characters
  • Updated CodeIgniter to Version 3.1.7
  • Fixed issue with Sortable.js library
  • Fixed Tagging Users error
  • New Advert Settings page in Admin
  • Can enable Ads on Feed page and/or Profile/Pages page
  • Added new Rotation Adverts feature that allows you to add Adverts to the site.
  • Admin can manage Rotation Adverts in Admin Panel; Accept/Reject, set price for pageviews, view active adverts.
  • Added Payment Settings page to Admin Panel; setup paypal, stripe and 2checkout
  • Users can buy credits using any of the three payment processors: PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout
  • Users can purchase a Rotation Advert that is displayed on the site using Credits.
  • Implemented Promoted Posts
  • Users can pay credits to promote their posts to everyone's dashboard for X amount of pageviews.
  • Admin can approve/reject all promoted posts.
  • Implemented User Polls; users can now create a poll when making a post. Select from Multiple Votes or Single Votes.
  • Updated Editor to highlight buttons when you have active content
  • Updated Login/Register pages
  • Updated comments to link to user profile
  • Added ability to delete notification
  • Updated User Notification to use Email Template
  • Added option to Admin Panel to auto-resize user uploaded avatars
  • Can now add "Verified" icons next to usernames and update users in Admin Panel
  • You can enable users to be able to purchase Verified status using Credits from the Funds section
  • Set price of cost to become verified in the Admin Panel
  • Users can also submit Verified Requests from the User Settings page. Option to disable this added in Admin Panel.
  • Manage all submitted Verified Requests from Admin Panel

In order to update, please overwrite the following files (you can find these files also in Updates/version1.1/files/ in the download file):

  • Controllers
  • application/controllers/User_settings.php
  • application/controllers/Home.php
  • application/controllers/Funds.php
  • application/controllers/Feed.php
  • application/controllers/Admin.php
  • application/controllers/Register.php
  • application/controllers/Login.php
  • application/controllers/Profile.php
  • application/controllers/Pages.php
  • application/controllers/IPN.php
  • Models
  • application/models/Admin_model.php
  • application/models/User_model.php
  • application/models/Feed_model.php
  • application/models/Home_model.php
  • Views
  • application/views/admin/edit_rotation_ad.php
  • application/views/admin/rotation_ads.php
  • application/views/admin/promoted_posts.php
  • application/views/admin/edit_promoted_post.php
  • application/views/admin/settings.php
  • application/views/admin/email_templates.php
  • application/views/admin/edit_email_template.php
  • application/views/admin/edit_member.php
  • application/views/admin/verified_requests.php
  • application/views/admin/ad_settings.php
  • application/views/feed/*
  • application/views/funds/index.php
  • application/views/funds/verified.php
  • application/views/funds/submit_ad.php
  • application/views/funds/spend.php
  • application/views/home/index.php
  • application/views/home/rotation_ads.php
  • application/views/home/google_ads.php
  • application/views/layout/sidebar_.links.php
  • application/views/layout/themes/*
  • application/views/login/*
  • application/views/register/*
  • application/views/pages/view.php
  • application/views/profile/index.php
  • application/views/user_settings/sidebar.php
  • application/views/user_settings/verified.php
  • Libraries
  • application/libraries/User.php
  • application/libraries/Settings.php
  • System
  • system/*
  • Styles
  • styles/login_layout.css
  • styles/client/elements.css
  • Images
  • images/social/*
  • images/ava1.png
  • images/ava2.png
  • images/welcome9.png
  • images/pin.png
  • images/verified_badge.png
  • images/verified_large.png
  • Language
  • application/languages/english/*
  • Scripts
  • scripts/global.js
  • scripts/libraries/Sortable/*


This update contains a change to the database tables. In order to make the system work, you will need to execute the update.sql found in updates/version1.1/sql/update.sql.

Just import this file into your database manager (like phpMyAdmin) and it should update your database tables for you.


For those who have up-to-date language files, you will need to add some new lines to your language files in order to translate the new content being added. Follow the simple edits below:

Modify file application/language/english/content_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// V1.1
$lang['ctn_670'] = "Notification";
$lang['ctn_671'] = "Advert Settings";
$lang['ctn_672'] = "Enable Google Ads Feed";
$lang['ctn_673'] = "Enables Google Adverts on the Feed page in the sidebar.";
$lang['ctn_674'] = "Enable Google Ads Profile/Pages";
$lang['ctn_675'] = "Enables Google Adverts on Page/Profile pages.";
$lang['ctn_676'] = "Google Adsense Code";
$lang['ctn_677'] = "Please place your Google Adsense Code/Script in the file";
$lang['ctn_678'] = "If you're using something other than Google Adsense, you can just paste the code into that file.";
$lang['ctn_679'] = "Enable Rotation Ads Feed";
$lang['ctn_680'] = "Enables Rotation Ads on the Feed page in the sidebar.";
$lang['ctn_681'] = "Enable Rotation Ads Profile/Pages";
$lang['ctn_682'] = "Enables Rotation Ads on Page/Profile pages.";
$lang['ctn_683'] = "Enable Promote Posts";
$lang['ctn_684'] = "Allows users to promote posts for Credits.";
$lang['ctn_685'] = "Price Per 1K Pageviews";
$lang['ctn_686'] = "The cost per 1,000 Pageviews in Credits.";
$lang['ctn_687'] = "Admin Alert";
$lang['ctn_688'] = "Enter the username of the user you want to be alerted of when there is a new rotation advert submitted.";
$lang['ctn_689'] = "Purchase Verified Badge";
$lang['ctn_690'] = "Allows users to purchase the verified badge from the Funds page for X amount of credits.";
$lang['ctn_691'] = "Verified Badge Cost (credits)";
$lang['ctn_692'] = "Enable Verified Requests";
$lang['ctn_693'] = "Allows users to submit Verified Requests from the";
$lang['ctn_694'] = "Verified Requests";
$lang['ctn_695'] = "Verified";
$lang['ctn_696'] = "Adds a Verified Badge next to the user's username.";
$lang['ctn_697'] = "Resize Avatar";
$lang['ctn_698'] = "Selecting this option will attempt to resize any user uploaded avatars to the dimensions you specified above for avatars.";
$lang['ctn_699'] = "New Notification";
$lang['ctn_700'] = "Edit Promoted Post";
$lang['ctn_701'] = "Unapproved";
$lang['ctn_702'] = "Inactive";
$lang['ctn_703'] = "Active";
$lang['ctn_704'] = "The amount of pageviews this post will be shown for. Once it reaches 0, it will no longer be shown.";
$lang['ctn_705'] = "Promoted Posts";
$lang['ctn_706'] = "Rotation Ads";
$lang['ctn_707'] = "Add Advert";
$lang['ctn_708'] = "Advert";
$lang['ctn_709'] = "The amount of pageviews this advert will be shown for. Once it reaches 0, it will no longer be shown.";
$lang['ctn_710'] = "Edit Rotation Ads";
$lang['ctn_711'] = "Edit Poll";
$lang['ctn_712'] = "Poll Question";
$lang['ctn_713'] = "Single Answer";
$lang['ctn_714'] = "Multiple Answer";
$lang['ctn_715'] = "Answers";
$lang['ctn_716'] = "Answer";
$lang['ctn_717'] = "Add Another Answer";
$lang['ctn_718'] = "Create Poll";
$lang['ctn_719'] = "Promote Post";
$lang['ctn_720'] = "Verified";
$lang['ctn_721'] = "Sponsored";
$lang['ctn_722'] = "Promote";
$lang['ctn_723'] = "Cast Vote";
$lang['ctn_724'] = "Promoted Posts show up at the top of user's dashboard feeds for a # of pageviews that you specify. Once those pageviews hit 0, the promoted post is no longer shown.";
$lang['ctn_725'] = "All Promoted Posts are";
$lang['ctn_726'] = "subject to review";
$lang['ctn_727'] = "before they go live. You'll be notified once your post has been promoted.";
$lang['ctn_728'] = "How many pageviews would you like to buy?";
$lang['ctn_729'] = "Current price per 1,000 Pageviews";
$lang['ctn_730'] = "Total Cost";
$lang['ctn_731'] = "Spend Credits";
$lang['ctn_732'] = "Your Credits";
$lang['ctn_733'] = "Advertise";
$lang['ctn_734'] = "Purchase advertising space on this site using site credits.";
$lang['ctn_735'] = "See Details";
$lang['ctn_736'] = "Become Verified";
$lang['ctn_737'] = "Obtain the Verified Icon when posting on this site.";
$lang['ctn_738'] = "Submit Advert";
$lang['ctn_739'] = "All Adverts are manually verified by the Admins before they go live. If your Advert is rejected, your credits will be refunded to your account.";
$lang['ctn_740'] = "Buy Advert";
$lang['ctn_741'] = "You can purchase a Verified status below. The badge will appear alongside your name when you make posts on this site.";
$lang['ctn_742'] = "Verified Cost";
$lang['ctn_743'] = "Become Verified";
$lang['ctn_744'] = "Logging In";
$lang['ctn_745'] = "Request";
$lang['ctn_746'] = "Let us know any information that will help us verify your identity.";
$lang['ctn_747'] = "Your request to become verified was rejected.";
$lang['ctn_748'] = "Your request to become verified was accepted!";
$lang['ctn_749'] = "View Post";
$lang['ctn_750'] = "Your Promoted Post was approved by the Admins and is now active.";
$lang['ctn_751'] = "Your Promoted Post was rejected by the Admins. You have been refunded";
$lang['ctn_752'] = "Your Rotation Advert was approved by the Admins and is now active.";
$lang['ctn_753'] = "Your Rotation Advert was rejected by the Admins. You have been refunded";
$lang['ctn_754'] = "A new Promoted Post has been purchased and submitted for approval by";
$lang['ctn_755'] = "A new Rotation Advert has been purchased and submitted for approval by";

Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// V1.1
$lang['error_153'] = "Username cannot be empty!";
$lang['error_154'] = "You left the password field empty!";
$lang['error_155'] = "Invalid Request!";
$lang['error_156'] = "Invalid Promoted Post!";
$lang['error_157'] = "Advert name cannot be empty!";
$lang['error_158'] = "Invalid Rotation Ad";
$lang['error_159'] = "This post is already being promoted!";
$lang['error_160'] = "You must purchase a minimum of 1,000 Pageviews!";
$lang['error_161'] = "You do not have enough credits to purchase this! Total required: ";
$lang['error_162'] = "Invalid Poll!";
$lang['error_163'] = "You have already voted on this poll!";
$lang['error_164'] = "Invalid Poll Option!";
$lang['error_165'] = "You didn't vote on the poll!";
$lang['error_166'] = "This section has not been enabled!";
$lang['error_167'] = "You are already verified!";
$lang['error_168'] = "Name of the advert must not be empty!";
$lang['error_169'] = "You have already submitted a request. Please wait until the Admin rejects/accepts it before submitting another one.";

Modify file application/language/english/success_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

// V1.1
$lang['success_89'] = "The promoted post was updated!";
$lang['success_90'] = "The promoted post was deleted!";
$lang['success_91'] = "The post was accepted!";
$lang['success_92'] = "The post was rejected and the user was refunded their credits!";
$lang['success_93'] = "The advert was added!";
$lang['success_94'] = "The advert was updated!";
$lang['success_95'] = "The rotation ad was deleted!";
$lang['success_96'] = "The advert was accepted!";
$lang['success_97'] = "The advert was rejected and the user was refunded their credits!";
$lang['success_98'] = "Your post was sent for promotion. You will be notified if your post is rejected/accepted!";
$lang['success_99'] = "Your account has now been marked as verified";
$lang['success_100'] = "Your advert was submitted for review. You will be notified if your advert is rejected/accepted!";
$lang['success_101'] = "Notification was deleted!";
$lang['success_102'] = "The request was successfully sent! You'll be notified if your request is accepted.";

Save the files


Remember, if you have trouble updating, you can always do a clean install. Just follow the guide in the Documentation Guide as you did before and you will have the latest version of the system ready.

Version 1.0.1 - (15/11/2017)

The follow bugs were fixed in this update:

  • Fixed issue with profile post count not updating
  • Fixed issue with deleting photos not updating album image count
  • Fixed issue with Edit Post in Google Chrome
  • Fixed issue with Friends Count being incorrect
  • Fixed issue with Friends Deadd text being incorrect
  • Fixed issue with members posting on Page
  • Fixed issue with viewing Your Pages
  • Fixed issue viewing profile with a user with no user role
  • Fixed issue with deleting a page

The following files need to be updated:

  • styles/elements.css
  • application/controllers/Pages.php
  • application/controllers/Profile.php
  • application/controllers/Feed.php
  • application/models/User_model.php
  • application/models/Feed_model.php
  • application/models/Page_model.php
  • application/libraries/Lib_filter.php
  • application/views/feed/feed_single.php
  • application/views/feed/edit_post.php
  • application/language/english/error_lang.php

Modify file application/language/english/error_lang.php (or replace english with the name of your language folder)

Add the following lines of code to the bottom of your language file

$lang['error_152'] = "This user is already requesting to be your friend. Check your friend requests!";

Save the file.

Version 1.0 - October 2017

First version release.