TITAN Documentation


There are various cronjobs you can setup to automate the system. Take a look at the following available cronjobs.

Reoccuring Invoices

Cron: wget http://www.example.com/cron/invoices

Run once a day. Processes any reoccuring invoices.

Invoices Overdue

Cron: wget http://www.example.com/cron/invoices_overdue

Run once a day. Sends a reminder to any clients with overdue invoices

Daily Reminders

You can have daily emails sent out to your users by setting up these cronjobs.

Task Reminders

Sends out a reminder to all members involved in tasks which are due within the next 5 days.

Cron: wget http://www.example.com/cron/reminder

Calendar Reminders

Sends out a reminder to users with events that are upcoming within the next 7 days. Only works for site calendar (not google calendar).

Cron: wget http://www.example.com/cron/reminder_calendar

Ticket Reminders

Sends out a reminder to assigned users of tickets that need replying to.

Cron: wget http://www.example.com/cron/reminder_tickets